Waiting for FET #1

Quick recap: I was on an antagonist IVF cycle, starting injections Aug 18. On the 27th the doctor said these follicles are ready to go, but you’re not. I was at a high risk of OHSS so we decided to postpone the transfer for a cycle. My egg retrieval was Aug 29. They got 18 eggs, only 7 were mature, and 5 fertilized. Now was have two frozen blastocysts in waiting.


I was put on Provera for 10 days, but still got spotting for about half of that. I got my period two days after going off. Fun fact: flow is pretty heavy after all the drugs and you’re only allowed to use pads 😦 Now I’m on Estrace – 1/day x 5 days, 2/day x 5 days, 3/day x 6 days. I hear estrogen pills are crazy making. So far I’ve only had one moment where I realized I was irrationally irritable. I double my dose today so we’ll see how it goes.

I find it odd that my clinic hasn’t done any testing on my hormone levels since the retrieval. Two and a half weeks ago my estradiol (estrogen) was at 16463 pmol/L. Now they’ve put me on estrogen pills under the assumption that I’m back to normal. When I asked, they said “all that matters is that you’re feeling better.” I find this extra weird since I wasn’t feeling that bad in the first place AND the doctors have never genuinely asked me how I’m feeling. You know, I get the “hi Emily, how are you today?” But the only real data they’ve cared about is what the tests tell them. So why does it matter how I’m feeling all of a sudden? Is it so much to ask for a little consistency?

Ranting aside, I’m actually really happy about how some of this timing has worked out. On the day I should have been doing the fresh embryo transfer, I ended up doing a group interview for a job. After a second interview on Wednesday, I was offered the job! It’s a nice, simple job that I’m hoping I can jump right into and not bring stress home. I was really hoping to find a job before getting pregnant so I didn’t get stuck in any sort of disclosure grey zone. Now I have that security and a welcome distraction during all the waiting.

I have an ultrasound scheduled for Sept 24th with the expectation of doing the transfer a week or so later.

3 thoughts on “Waiting for FET #1

  1. That does sound odd that your clinic is only basing their decisions on how you feel physically and not on any blood work. Can you basically insist they run some tests? I’d be totally uneasy going forward with estrogen after your count was that high.
    On the other side of things, glad your job situation worked out so well. I just love when I think that the timing sucks, only to find out later it was a blessing in disguise! Peace 🙂


    1. I found out that there is no risk of OHSS when your ovaries aren’t being stimulated with drugs. And estrogen is needed each cycle to build up the lining. It all seems very logical now.


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